Refund Policy


Here at Go Jigger, customer satisfaction is our highest priority. If any Go Jigger product doesn't meet your expectations, we offer a hassle-free 100% money-back guarantee. In other words, you can get your money back for any purchase you made. Customers can request a full refund in just a few steps. Check if your refund request is covered by our 30-day money-back guarantee policy as per the checklist below. If applicable, please get in touch with our customer service team at for details instructions.

Money-Back Guarantee Checklist 

  • The 30-day Money-Back Guarantee is only applicable for 30 days after receiving your order. 
  • Refunds are subject to products being used per the instructions on the website and on the product packaging.
  •  1 Year of Manufacturer’s Warranty
  • This guarantee is unique and limited to one per customer, address, and registration.